Beat the Heat: How to Stay Cool and Comfy During Hamilton's Heat Wave.

Hey there, Hamiltonians! If you haven't noticed yet, it's HOT out there. Like, "could fry an egg on the sidewalk" kind of hot. With daytime highs sizzling between 28 to 31 degrees Celsius, our beloved Steel City is feeling more like an oven than a home right now. But don't sweat it (pun totally intended) – we've got your back with some cool tips to help you stay well during this heat wave. So, grab a cold drink, sit back, and let’s dive in!

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Drink plenty of water regularly, even before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of dehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Feeling fancy? Add a splash of lemon or a few mint leaves to jazz up your H2O. Avoid drinks that dehydrate you like caffeine and alcohol – save those for when the sun goes down.

2. Stay Indoors During Peak Hours

The sun is at its strongest between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., so try to stay indoors during these hours. If you must go out, seek shade and wear a wide-brimmed hat. Now’s the perfect time to catch up on that Netflix series or finally read that book you've been meaning to get to.

3. Dress Light and Breezy

Opt for light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton. It’s not only more comfortable but also helps your body stay cool. And hey, it’s a great excuse to wear that flowy summer dress or those comfy shorts.

4. Cool Down Your Home

Keep your blinds or curtains closed during the day to block out the sun. If you have air conditioning, now is the time to use it. No AC? No problem! Use fans, take cool showers, or place a bowl of ice in front of a fan for a DIY air conditioner.

5. Eat Light

Heavy meals can make you feel sluggish in the heat. Stick to lighter fare like salads, fruits, and veggies. Bonus points if they’re chilled. And remember, now’s the best time to enjoy all those delicious summer berries.

6. Check on Others

The health risks are greater for older adults, infants and young children, pregnant people, people with physical and/or mental illnesses, and people with disabilities or mobility issues. Make sure to check in on elderly neighbors, young kids, and pets. They’re more vulnerable to the heat and might need extra help staying cool. Remember, we’re all in this together – "Together Aspire – Together Achieve," right?

7. Hit the Water

If you can, head to a local pool, splash pad, or even the lake for a refreshing dip. Just don’t forget your sunscreen – sunburns are no fun and can make you even hotter.

8. Watch for Signs of Heat Illness

Extreme heat can cause heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and even death. Signs of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, cold, pale and clammy skin, weak pulse, fainting, and vomiting. If you are experiencing symptoms, get help right away – call 911 if you need help. Watch for the effects of heat illness: swelling, rash, cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and the worsening of some health conditions.

9. Never Leave Anyone in a Parked Vehicle

Never leave people, particularly children, or pets inside a parked vehicle. The temperature inside a car can soar quickly, posing a severe risk.

10. Stay Informed and Connected

Keep an eye on the weather forecast and any heat warnings issued for Hamilton. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it can keep you safe and cool.

In alignment with the Heat Response Strategy, the City of Hamilton will support residents during heat events by distributing 1,000 free bus tickets to help them access cool places. This initiative aims to ensure all residents, especially those most vulnerable to heat, can access cool, safe places during hot weather. Details here.

Hamilton might be known as The Ambitious City, but there’s no need to ambitiously battle the heat solo. Use these tips to stay cool and comfortable, and remember, this too shall pass. Until then, keep hydrated, stay in the shade, and look out for one another. Here’s to staying chill, Hamiltonians!


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