Soaring Safety: Ontario Police Unveil New High-Tech Helicopters!

Hold onto your hats, Hamiltonians, because the skies over Ontario are about to get a lot busier – and safer! The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is taking crime-fighting to new heights with a fleet of shiny new H135 helicopters. Joining the OPP in this airborne crusade are the regional police services of Durham, Peel, and Halton. These new flying wonders are part of a beefed-up Joint Air Support Unit aimed at tackling everything from car thefts to street racing, and even impaired driving.

High-Flying Heroes: The H135 Helicopters

So, what’s so special about these helicopters, you ask? Well, the H135 is no ordinary chopper. It’s a marvel of modern aviation, boasting a sterling record with over 1,500 of them buzzing around in more than 66 countries. These twin-engine rotorcraft have clocked an impressive 7 million flight hours and counting.

Tech Specs and Gizmos

These helicopters are packed with cutting-edge tech, including:

  • Bearingless Main Rotor: This isn't just a fancy term. It means smoother flights and better handling.

  • Fenestron® Shrouded Tail Rotor: This makes the H135 super quiet – perfect for sneaking up on those bad guys.

  • Engine Choices: You can go with the Safran Arrius 2B2 Plus or Pratt & Whitney Canada’s 206B3, both offering top-notch performance and fuel efficiency.

  • FADEC: Full Authority Digital Engine Control for those who love acronyms – it ensures optimal engine performance even if one decides to take a break.

Why the H135?

The H135 is known for its endurance, compact size, and low operating costs. It can land just about anywhere, making it ideal for urban missions. Plus, it’s one of the quietest helicopters in its class, which is a big plus when flying over busy cities.

Ontario’s Airborne Arsenal

The Ontario government is shelling out a cool C$134 million for this new fleet. It’s all part of a grand plan to curb a rising wave of car thefts, street racing, and impaired driving, especially in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Ottawa.

At an official ceremony at the OPP Headquarters, Eurocopter Canada Limited (ECL) handed over the new generation twin-engine helicopters. Guy Joannes, the President and CEO of ECL, praised the H135 as the ideal aircraft for police operations, citing its advanced cockpit design, modern avionics, and superior handling.

A Proven Track Record

With over 880 H135s operating in 48 countries, this helicopter has earned its stripes in various roles, from emergency medical services to law enforcement. It’s a trusted workhorse with over 1.9 million flying hours under its belt. Here in Canada, the H135 is the go-to chopper for law enforcement, with over 80% market share among police agencies.

So next time you see a helicopter soaring above, it might just be one of these high-tech heroes keeping Hamilton and the rest of Ontario safe. Keep your eyes on the skies, folks – the future of law enforcement is airborne!


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