Aberdeen Avenue: Ontario’s Worst Road of 2024

Hamilton’s done it again! For the third year running, the city’s topped CAA’s worst road list, with Aberdeen Avenue snagging the title of Ontario's worst road for 2024. Stretching from Longwood Road South to James Mountain Road, this road has it all—potholes, poor maintenance, and traffic congestion that drives everyone mad.

It debuted on the list last year at eighth place but has now risen to infamy. And it’s not alone. Barton Street East is also on the list, ranking third after being the worst for two years straight. These roads really showcase the infrastructure issues Hamilton’s dealing with.

Aberdeen Avenue’s problematic status is a significant concern for both residents and city officials. Addressing these issues is crucial for improving the quality of life and transportation safety in Hamilton. With its rich history and critical role in city traffic flow, Aberdeen Avenue deserves the attention and resources needed to transform it from the worst road in Ontario to one of the best.

Aberdeen Avenue is a Lower City minor arterial road in Hamilton, Ontario. It starts just west of Longwood Road South and east of Highway 403 as a two-way street up to Queen Street South. From there, it switches to a one-way eastbound road until Bay Street South and then back to a two-way section from Bay Street to James Mountain Road, near the base of the Niagara Escarpment. It's a vital route but one that's riddled with issues.

The road's historical significance is pretty cool—it's named after Lord Aberdeen (John Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair) and Lady Aberdeen (Ishbel Hamilton-Gordon, Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair), who lived in Hamilton on Bay Street South. Despite its noble namesakes, Aberdeen Avenue is far from regal when it comes to its current state.

Aberdeen Avenue's condition isn't just an eyesore; it's a hazard. Potholes and poor road maintenance are rampant, making every drive an adventure you'd rather not take. But it's not just the surface issues. According to CAA, 13% of the people they polled made their decision based on traffic congestion. The road is a bottleneck, causing delays and frustration for anyone trying to get through.

Aberdeen Avenue’s notorious status has caught the attention of local officials, who are under pressure to address these problems. Fixing up Aberdeen is crucial not just for smoother drives but for overall safety and quality of life in Hamilton. Given its history and importance, it deserves a makeover from the worst road to one of the best.

For all the gritty details, check out CAA’s worst roads list.


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