Hamilton's longest running and funniest seasonal improv comedy show is back. Santa Survivor! This parody of the Survivor TV show has elves voting each other off the North Pole to see who gets to join Santa on the great toy distribution. Audience suggestions inspire conniving elves to outwit and outlaugh each other to secure their place on the big ride. Matt Bandura is back as the cheekiest Santa that Hallmark would never endorse. The elves are made up of Hamilton's top improv comedians like Jerry Schaefer (CBC), Andrew Hopps (Understudies), Tracey Brooks (Mediums), and the ever elastic Matt Mongeon. The list of players includes some previous winners of Santa Survivor. The pointy little elf hats will be out in comedic force.
Get tickets for Saturday December 14th at 7 pm (guaranteed family friendly) $15 plus costs
Get tickets for Saturday December 14th at 9 pm $15 plus costs
Both shows are in the Staircase Studio Theatre at 27 Dundurn St North. Parking in back. Fully licensed.