Hamilton Public Health Investigates Confirmed Measles Cases

Hamilton Public Health Services is actively investigating instances of measles within the local community, with four confirmed cases among Hamilton residents currently under scrutiny.

Of the four cases, three affect children while one involves an adult, all residing within the same household. These cases have been linked to a prior local measles incident, officially confirmed by Hamilton Public Health Services on April 17, 2024.

Efforts by Hamilton Public Health Services include contacting individuals identified as potential contacts exposed to the measles virus. The public may have encountered the virus at specific locations, dates, and times, outlined below:

  1. 45 Barlake Avenue Apartment Building, Hamilton, ON L8E 3R6

    • Dates: April 21, 2024, to May 2, 2024

  2. Food Basics (2500 Barton Street East, Hamilton, ON L8E 4A2)

    • Date: April 21, 2024

    • Time: 4:00 pm to 6:15 pm

  3. McMaster Children’s Hospital Corner Café (1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5)

    • Date: April 30, 2024

    • Time: 9:00 am to 10:15 am

    • Note: The Corner Café is situated on the second floor in the lobby, just inside the Main Street entrance.

Individuals who were at the McMaster Children’s Hospital Corner Café during the specified timeframe and were accompanied by an infant under twelve months old, are pregnant, or are immunocompromised, are urged to contact 365-323-4993 immediately for potential preventive treatment. This helpline will be operational from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, starting May 3 through May 5.

Those who suspect exposure to the measles virus at these locations are advised to:

  • Verify their immunization records to ensure they and their family members are up-to-date with measles vaccinations (MMR or MMRV). For those uncertain, consulting a healthcare provider is recommended. Typically, two doses are advised for individuals born in or after 1970, while those born before 1970 are usually considered protected.

  • Monitor for measles symptoms for 21 days post-exposure, even if vaccination status is current.

  • If symptoms manifest, remain at home and refrain from attending work, school, childcare, or other public areas. In addition:

    • Contact a healthcare provider by phone to discuss symptoms. Before visiting any healthcare facility, including clinics or hospitals, individuals must notify the facility of potential measles exposure to implement necessary precautions.

    • If unable to reach a healthcare provider, contact Hamilton Public Health Services at 365-324-1439 for further guidance.

Residents outside of Hamilton are advised to contact their respective local Public Health Units.

Measles is a highly contagious respiratory illness that poses a significant risk to unvaccinated or previously uninfected individuals. Infants under one year, pregnant individuals, and those with compromised immune systems face heightened susceptibility to complications.

Symptoms of measles typically appear 7-21 days following infection and may include:

  • High fever exceeding 38.8°C (101°F)

  • Red, blotchy rash emerging three to seven days after symptom onset

  • Cough

  • Runny nose

  • Red, watery eyes

Dr. Brendan Lew, Associate Medical Officer of Health, emphasizes the seriousness of measles as a preventable threat, affecting individuals of all ages. Combatting its spread necessitates education, vaccination, and diligent adherence to public health measures, with particular emphasis on maintaining up-to-date measles immunization, especially before traveling.



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